Board games! (Plus quick Annual General Meeting)
Hello there gentlefolk, it is time once again for us to hold an AGM in order to go over plans for the rest of the year, satisfy affiliation requirements and also the fun stuff: elections!
Some/most of the current executive will be moving on, so rather than just fill positions as they come up, we have decided to hold the AGM earlier, in the hopes that whoever wins the roles can be available until early next year.
Positions are as follows:
-President (must be a current Flinders Student)
-Vice President
*According to FUSA regulations for affiliation, at least 66% of the executive team must be current Flinders students as well (including the President)*
Think you can help run FUTURE?
FUTURE is running its Annual General Meeting this Friday afternoon (5pm), and is now requesting nominations for the positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-President.
If you are interested in taking on one of these roles, please fill in the form located here by no later than midday this Friday:
Please note: Current Flinders Uni students and non-students can apply, however only one position may be filled by a member who is not a current student. Elections will be held during the Annual General Meeting this Friday, followed by board gaming in the Club Space.
Any other questions regarding the AGM, either post in the event or message one of the current executive.
Thanks, see you on the 12th!
FUTURE Exec Team
Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia, 5042, Australia